You did not deserve it

This post is the continuation of a series of posts following on from a paragraph that I read in 'Rid of my Disgrace' by Justin and Lindsey Holcomb.  The opening paragraph of the first chapter was so helpful to me that I decided to break it down, sentence by sentence, and devote a post to each part.

The previous posts in this series can be found here and here.

The next sentence: you did not deserve it.

I've found that trying to make sense of what happened has led to a myriad of lies permeating my heart and mind. Trying to understand why it happened has led to me often placing the blame in the wrong place: on myself rather than on the perpetrator. You know how it goes: I can't understand this. I need to understand why this is happening to me. Why I am singled out? Why did he choose me? I must have deserved it.. I must have done something to make it happen or be someone who deserves this kind of treatment.

But, NO! I didn't deserve it.

You didn't deserve it. This has been such an important truth for me to hold onto in times of pain and doubt. It has helped me to begin the healing journey. It has helped me to break the silence because: 

1. I'm not the one in the wrong 

I've come to realise that any form of abuse, assault, violation against another is always wrong. This is objectively true. Hurting another is never right. It is never good. Therefore, however I feel about what happened, I am not the one in the wrong. I did not break the law. I did not hurt someone...

2. I am a victim

Rather than taking the blame for my assault, I have started to realise that I was a victim of a crime. I am not the one who should be shouldering the blame and weight of this. There is never anything that I could have said or done to make it okay. The reality is that I was a victim. I am now a survivor. He hurt me and he did the wrong. Not me.

3. I could never deserve assault

Therefore, I didn't deserve what happened to me. Even though I believed this for many years, it's not true. I could never have done anything or said anything that would have made this my fault. It is never the fault of the victim. It is ALWAYS the fault of the perpetrator. Assault is always wrong. It is always a violation and always a crime. The fault is never with the victim and so they can never deserve it. 

Humans are made with value and dignity. You are valuable. Therefore, what happened to you is NOT OKAY and it is NEVER deserved. Self blame is never right. They did this. This is their crime. This is their wrong.

Thank you Holcomb's for this reminder.

Julia x


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