The jigsaw of mixed emotions after sexual violence
I've recently written a lot about my journey towards healing. I've been massively helped by Justin and Lindsay Holcomb's book, 'Rid of my Disgrace' in this. Realising and accepting what had happened to me was a huge step forward. Understanding why it was wrong and the subject of consent was so crucial - thank you RAINN for this! And, flowing from these things, believing that I am not to blame and am valuable have been so crucial for me in my recovery. I can confidently say that I am in a very different place to where I was: I do believe that I am valuable, that I was wronged, that sin was committed against me and that I wasn't to blame for the abuse and assault I suffered. But, there are times when I struggle to fully hold onto these truths and part of the reason why is this: the mixed emotions I feel towards my perpetrator(s) make it difficult. Acknowledging this has been helpful because it helps be to avoid a cycle of lies that propels me back into a da...