You did not ask for this
This post is the continuation of a series of posts following on from a paragraph that I read in 'Rid of my Disgrace' by Justin and Lindsey Holcomb. The opening paragraph of the first chapter was so helpful to me that I decided to break it down, sentence by sentence, and devote a post to each part. The previous posts in this series can be found here , here , here . You did not ask for this. You should not be silenced! Words I really need to hear, daily. Words I need to reflect on and believe. I've lost count of the times that I've thought I somehow asked for the abuse. I was abused as a child. Was it something about my character that made him do it? Did I say something, do something, be something to ask for this. So that the blame rides on me and not on him? Then it happened again. As a 20 year old, I was assaulted. No - please not again. This must confirm that it's something about me that has caused this. But NO. It is not something I ...