Two Tips To Help You Not Give Up
Something I've come to realise about myself as a survivor of sexual assault is that I give up easily. I didn't realise that this was a result of my assault, a response to feeling worthless and unworthy. For many years I thought I was being logical. I thought I was rightly responding to situations, so I kept going in the same vain. I have continued to look at my circumstances and, if they are negative, read them as personal judgements on my character and then.. give up. Let me share an example... writing this blog! I started this blog as a way to chart my healing journey, but I also thought that I'd love to help others if I could. I had a passion to encourage other sexual assault survivors and help them to see how brave, strong and valuable they were. But, I thought, no-one will ever read it! Surely no-one would ever want to read anything I wrote! And then if I didn't see anyone reading it, I'd conclude: I'm rubbish. I should give up. I have nothing to contr...